My sweet friend/blogger made this necklace hanger for me and I am in love with it! As you know I am always trying to find cute new ways to organize my jewelry and this was the perfect addition to my collection. She is being so kind and offered to make a necklace hanger for one of my followers and do it as a giveaway. Of course I had to say yes!
Ashley is the sweetest friend and she is the most crafty, creative, amazing mother (twin boys of course)! Her blog is so inspiring/creative, which makes sense because it is called
The INSPIRED creative One! You have to also read her fit tips after having twins because they are so helpful! Anyways let's get back to this giveaway.
Here's what you need to do!
((must be a follower of CaraLoren'))
((leave a comment for every step))
Good luck ladies!! Giveaway closes on Friday Sep. 21st